3 Useful Pregnancy Tips for First Time Moms
It’s easy to feel scared and excited at the same when you’re pregnant for the first time. You have so much ahead of you and so much to learn, and it doesn’t help that your sources are saying a million different things about what to and what not to do while waiting for the little one to arrive.
What’s most important is to trust your instincts and do only what you feel is best for you and your baby.
Let these useful pregnancy tips guide you in your journey:
Keep Google searches at a minimum
We are lucky to be in a day and age where most of the information we need is right at our fingertips. Thanks to Google, you’ll be able to tell exactly how big your baby is and what stage of development she is undergoing right this second.
But with every ache and every pain, it’s easy to resort to Google and go crazy and paranoid about the results. On top of your raging hormones, that’s not exactly a good idea. If you can’t keep out of the internet, join a good pregnancy forum which is a more reputable source of info. These ladies are going through the same thing as you and chances are, you’ll get the answers and extra support you need.
Keep a handle on those carbs
Sure, you’re eating for two that’s why your appetite has doubled (or tripled). And after a gruelling first trimester of nothing but morning sickness, now is the time to indulge and eat your heart out – giving in to your constant cravings.
While there’s nothing wrong with satisfying your weird food cravings from time to time, make sure you watch your carbs consumption. Ballooning out to twice (or thrice) your normal size will make for a very uncomfortable rest of your pregnancy. It’s not very ideal for your baby’s development, too.
Learn to be at peace with your body
What you’re going through is an incredible thing and once your little one is born, nothing else will matter. But when you’re in the waiting game, you notice EVERYTHING around you and the constant subject of your eagle eyes is your body.
Every pregnant woman gets conscious about their body. The earlier you accept that your body will never be the same again, the more you will enjoy pregnancy and motherhood. It may take a while to get your pre-pregnancy weight back, but just remember that what your body went through is nothing short of amazing.
Follow these useful pregnancy tips for first time moms!