Restoring Antiques With Simple Molds and Casts
Antiques are far more that the inanimate objects of yore, consisting of wood, metals and glass. They are more often the touchstone of the memories from past generations. But due to age those treasured keepsakes come with their own set of problems. For instance, a piece trim on an old picture frame can be missing or the traditional plaster work on a historic sculpture be chipped. An antique sofa may have a broken leg or the ancient chest of drawers be missing a knob.
Unfortunately, exact replacements may not be available in the market anymore. Replacing with mismatched substitutes will only undermine the value of precious antiques and make it look out of place. Indeed, antique collectors often resign themselves to making the rounds of junkyards in the vain hope of finding an old piece that will match their requirement.
The Easy Fix!
There is good news. Antiques can be lovingly repaired and restored by using the simple techniques of mold making and casting. Indeed, it is possible to create an duplicate piece that is not only of the same color, shape and material but also matches the precise texture, carving and engraving.
The procedure begins with making a negative mold of the part that has to be replaced. In case a part of a picture frame is damaged or a plaster cornice has worn off, simply create a mold from another similar section of the original. Liquid latex rubber or clay can be applied on the frame or cornice itself to capture a mold. For missing knobs, handles or legs, unscrew another knob or leg before making a mold with clay, plaster or silicone rubber.
In either case, applying a good quality and effective release agent is crucial. This will ensure that the mold comes off easily and does not end up damaging the antique piece in any manner. Once the mold has properly cured, it will capture the precise shape and size of the missing part down to the carving and engraving.
The next step is to cast the mold in polyurethane rubber, silicone rubber or even resin. However, the casting artist has to first determine the type of material that the missing or damaged part was made from.
Be it metal, stone or wood, it is possible to duplicate the same look and feel using cold casting powders. Various cold casting powders are available in the market, including iron, aluminum, tin, copper, bronze and brass. Tin powder can also be used to replicate the look of pewter, nickel silver or stainless steel. Then there is marble powder to reproduce the look of stone, limestone powder for porcelain and even pecan shell powder for simulating wood.
The requisite powder should be mixed with polyurethane resin in the prescribed ratio before pouring into the mold. For bigger pieces, it is even possible to replicate the look by painting, spraying, dusting or brushing the powder to create a thin coating on the mold. Burnishing the finished cast will reveal the authentic look of metal, stone or wood, as desired.
Therefore it is possible to repair and restore beloved antiques using clay, plaster, silicone rubber or latex rubber in molds and casts.